Sunday, August 30, 2009


Animal: any living creature, includes mammals, reptiles, insects, and other classifications of living species.
Nature: the habitat that all animals live in on earth. Recently, it has been corrupted by human impact and building. The result of this is other animal's habitats are being destroyed.
Wild: parts of nature that have not been impacted by unnatural sources; not domesticated.
Human: an animal that has evolved over centuries to become one of the most sophisticated animals on earth.
Morals: a set of beliefs and ethics that a person lives by. These beliefs should govern how they interact with others and impact the decisions they make in life.
Love: strong sense of affection a person (or animal) feels for someone else that causes them to value the other's life more than their own.
Life: everything that breathes, thinks, moves, or acts. Essentially, anything that is alive. 

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